Wolfe Tree Service, serving Union County and the surrounding areas for more than a half a century.
Wolfe Tree Service has more than 50 years experience in Union county serving customers just like you. We have a proven track record with many of Union county’s residents and commercial businesses alike.
It is a long established fact that taking down a tree without causing damages to your property needs a professional who is familiar with all the potential hazards.
Wolfe Tree Service Strategy planning
Whether it’s a big job or a small job, we can help you plan, based on your budget, how to achieve your goals or ideas.
Whether it’s removing trees, pruning trees, land leveling, thinning or so forth, we can break the job down into more easily manageable costs.
So that eventually you end up with exactly what you wanted.
Tree removal
Learn more about our tree removal services and techniques here.
Bobcat Work
If you’re not sure what a Bobcat is, click here to learn more.
Land Grooming
Land grooming and grading can not only enhance your property, it can raise its value too. More here.
Want Us To Come Take a Look?
At no cost or obligation to you, Wolfe Tree Service can send one of our team members to look at your situation, make recommendations and even give you a quote on the cost to perform the services.
A Small Intro and…
In Loving Memory

Mr George “Sanford” Wolfe Founded Wolfe Tree Service in 1968.
His legacy lives on through Wolfe Tree Service run by his family.
This is some of the crew out working.
Cutting down high trees and grinding down a few leftover branches.

Questions Often Asked
Most frequent questions and answers
We’re a one-stop, complete tree service company that removes trees, and stumps as well as removing unwanted brush areas so you can have a nice lawn.
We’ve got the right equipment and know how to remove even the most dangerous trees. Trees such as those too close to your house or power lines.
Many trees have large or small branches that are “dead” or not alive. These branches are hazardous, as they can eventually fall from a tree and potentially harm people underneath the tree.
We use a machine called a stump grinder to grind down the left over stumps from fallen trees. By doing this, the land is leveled so that you can grow a nice lawn where the stump used to be.
A Bobcat is a small one-man driving bulldozer. It is used for moving dirt or other debris.
Trees are distinguished by special markings, just like animals can be distinguished from each other. We have an extensive guide to help you figure this out.
Wolfe Tree Service LLC
3612 Wolfe mill st.
Monroe NC, 28110
Our hours
10:00 AM – 5:30 PM
Monday – Sunday
Contact us
Phone: (704) 289-4155
Email: robert@wolfetreeservice.com